issue, and the shelf-life extended, if the number of
defects does not meet or exceed the rejection number for
the AQL (i.e., SQL) specified. Material failing to meet
the acceptance criteria shall be disposed of in accordance
with inspecting service or agency directives. For
commodities not covered by Section 5, further guidance may
be obtained from the responsible GSA Center listed in
Section 4.
3.3 Length of Shelf-Life Extension. The method of
calculating the new re-inspection date shall be determined
by the directives of the inspecting service or agency. The
length of extension will normally be one-half (1/2) of the
original shelf-life. At GSA Depots, for example, the
length of extension is one-half (1/2) of the original
shelf-life for the first inspection, one-third (1/3) of the
original shelf-life for the second re-inspection, and the
remaining shelf life time for the third re-inspection. An
extension period containing a fraction of a month should be
rounded up to the next whole month.
3.4 Maximum Shelf-Life Extensions. Unless otherwise
specified in Section 5, the re-inspection date of Type II
(extendible) items may not be extended beyond the date
determined by adding 2 times the item's original shelf-life
to the date of manufacture. For example, a paint in FSC
8010 with a date of manufacture (MM/YY) of 05/05 and a
shelf-life code of 6 (24 months) may not have its re-
inspection date extended beyond 05/09. Government entities
are at liberty to reach the maximum extension date
allowable in two or three increments. At GSA depots, for
example, the aforementioned paint is extended in three
increments: until 05/08 after the first inspection, 01/09
after the second re-inspection and 05/09 after the third
and final re-inspection.
3.5 Shelf-Life Extensions Label. Extended items shall
receive an extension label (or notice) displaying at least
the new extension date in addition to the NSN, contract or
purchase order numbers, lot or batch numbers, inspection or
test dates, next re-inspection or test dates, and the
inspector's identification.
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